School's Still In Session: Upcoming Educational Opportunities

June is almost here, but school's not out for summer (just yet anyway).
Here are a few upcoming presentations, educational opportunities (and conferences on the horizon!)
Monday, June 24
The Mass History Conference
"Empowering Our Communities Through History"
College of the Holy Cross, Worcester
For details click here.
Wednesday, June 26
Western MA Historical Commissions Coalition Meeting
"Adaptive Reuse of Historic Churches"
Location: St. James Place, 352 Main Street, Great Barrington
Hosted by the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission
For details click here.
September 20, 2019
Massachusetts Historic Preservation Conference
"Untold Stories in Preservation"
Hotel 1620, Plymouth
For details click here.
Are you having a presentation or educational opportunity you would like to share? Email us and we'll post it to our blog and share on our social media!