Preservation Directory
Since 2005, Preservation Massachusetts (PM) has maintained a Preservation Directory of many individual consultants and firms who specialize in preservation-related fields. The directory can help you find the right expertise you need, and we encourage to browse.
Please note that this is a paid listing directory and not a sanctioned list. Please always seek resumes and references before hiring or signing contracts. If you are interested in being listed in our directory, click here.

Get Listed in the Preservation Directory
If you work in the preservation industry, listing your services in our Preservation Directory may be a great opportunity! We are currently seeking skilled, hands-on craftsmen and tradespeople. List for one year, or subscribe and be listed each year.
Quick Reference
Find an expert by entering a name, a location, or category of expertise in the search field below (top right of the grid). You may have to scroll down in the spreadsheet to see all of your results. Please use the following categories terms for your search.
Architectural Salvage
Architecture History
Barn Preservation
Building Codes
Burying Grounds
Downtown Historic Revitalization
Energy Efficiency/Sustainability/Green Technology
Environmental Impact Documentation
Glass: restoration & stained glass conservation
HABS/HAER Documentation
Historic Architecture: Preservation, Restoration
Historic Landscape Architecture/Historic Landscapes
Historic Resources Survey
Historic Structures Report
Interior Design
Maritime Preservation
Masonry & Mortar Analysis
Materials Conservation; Metalwork & Stonework
Materials: Preservation/Restoration Products and Services
Millwork, Cabinetry, and Furniture
Monument Restoration & Conservation
National Register Nominations
Paint Analysis and Historic Decorative Elements
Preservation Planning
Restoration Contractors, Carpenters, Building Movers
Roofing: Slate, Wood, and others
Section 106 Reviews
State & Federal Tax Credit Applications
Structural Engineering
Windows: Restoration & Conservation
Wood Flooring and Clapboards: Siding and Shingles