Windows: To Repair, Not Replace
Repair Not Replace Your Historic Windows
It is a common question. Why repair rather than replace the windows in an historic building? Here are 6 reasons:
1. The original windows were built for and fit your historic building in just the same way that original doors, hardware, porches, clapboards, mantels contribute to the look and character of your building
2. Historic windows were constructed out of old growth wood which will last hundreds of years, if properly maintained. Reproduction wood windows made of wood harvested today, although preferable to vinyl replacements, will not last as long as the original windows. See this article to learn more about old growth wood
3. When part of an historic window deteriorates, the piece can be repaired, unlike modern replacement windows that cannot be repaired and must be replaced. This article explains more
4.Repairing historic windows is good for the environment and keeps useable materials out of landfills. It is an ecological and sustainable choice. This study looks at some of the real costs of removing historic windows
5. Historic windows are beautiful.
6. A well-restored historic window with a good storm is energy efficient. Check out this 2012 evaluation by the Preservation Green Lab looking at the energy performance of window retrofit and replacement.
What is your reason?
Check out the NEW Historic Windows Resource Page on our website which includes a three-page bibliography, with links to articles which explore many of the philosophical, environmental and practical reasons to consider the repair of historic windows, as well as information about window repair shops.
Window restoration project underway in Springfield