Field School: October 19 & 20
Though summer is still here, it's not to early to think about school! Historic New England is announcing their next Field School in Preservation Philosophy and Practice. This biennial event will happen on October 19 and 20 in Woodstock, CT at Roseland Cottage.

The school is limited to only 22 people so act now if you are interested! For more information see below or click here.
Field School in Preservation Philosophy and Practice
Friday, October 19, 2018, 1-5:30;
Saturday, October 20, 2018, 8:30 - 5:00
Roseland Cottage, 556 Route 169, Woodstock, Conn.
Historic New England's weekend Field School in Preservation Philosophy and Practice is designed for graduate students, professionals, and advocates in historic preservation and related fields. Through lectures, case studies, and field observation at Roseland Cottage, learn how Historic New England's preservation philosophy affects decision-making and translates to real-world applications, from conditions assessment to planning to treatment.
$75 students with ID; $150 Historic New England members; $200 nonmembers
Registration includes breakfast snacks, box lunch, beverages, and refreshments; lodging and transportation not included. Limited to 22 participants. Registration is required. Please call 617-994-6644 or register online.