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PM Announces the 2016 Massachusetts Most Endangered Historic Resources List

The Most Endangered Historic Resources Program is PM's oldest advocacy and education program. This year's Most Endangered list was culled from nominations submitted by preservation-minded groups and individuals throughout the state. Submissions were judged by several criteria, including their historic significance, the extent of the threat and the community's commitment to preserving the resource.

Since 1993, Preservation Massachusetts has endeavored to identify and aid in the preservation of endangered historic resources from across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Local groups or individuals who are deeply concerned about the potential loss of significant resources nominate sites from across the state. The list is one of the first steps in focusing statewide attention on the condition of these historic resources and their importance to communities, and often serves as a catalyst for extensive preservation opportunities. We publicly present the Most Endangered List at our biennial Believe in Preservation Event.

Preservation Massachusetts 2016 Most Endangered Historic Resources List:

  • Ladder Blocks of Downtown Boston

  • Notre Dame des Canadiens Church of Worcester

  • Sea Captains Row of Hyannis

  • Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church of Worcester

  • Truro Cape Cod National Seashore District of Cape Cod

  • Knox Automobile Factory of Springfield

  • Usen Castle of Waltham

"Believe in Preservation"

Thursday, November 3

The Worcester Historical Museum


Every other Fall, Preservation Massachusetts hosts the Believe in Preservation fall event to announce the biennial Massachusetts Most Endangered Historic Resources list. The event is a great educational and networking opportunity for anyone interested in preservation in Massachusetts.

The focus of the evening is the public presentation of our Massachusetts Most Endangered Historic Resources List.

The evening also features the presentation of our K. Julie McCarthy Community Spirit Awards. For more information and a list of past awardees, click here.

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